under construction... please bear with me!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
In France
Bonjour! Or should it be Bonsoir as it's around 12am in the morning now in France. My hubby and I have been here for a week now, and we have been enchanted by the beauty of this country - the sights, the sounds and without a doubt, the people. We have been blown off our feet quite literally by the strong mistral winds, but truly by the beautiful French landscape, the endless rolling greens and the wild flowers. The villages we have visited.... just the simple sight of the locals exiting the patisserie with 4 baguettes tucked under their arms and the whiff of the freshly baked bread thrill us. All I can say is we would love to be here longer than the 2 weeks! For the next 5 days, I intend to walk into every patisserie there is, and be inspired by the breads, the cakes, the tarts.... I will definitely post more photos when I get back to SG. So please be patient with me!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Sea Salt & Peanut Butter Cookies
I am an avid collector of food magazines and Jamie Oliver's is one of my staple magazines. Love the pictures in there and I'm hoping that there will come a day where I can take photos of that standard... (No harm dreaming, rite? ;) )
I couldn't resist trying out this recipe.. Somehow, I get instantly drawn to desserts with sea salt. Yep, as I'm typing this, I am thinking of the time I had chocolate & sea salt ice-cream at a little ice-cream parlour.. Absolutely yummy..
Alright, Erin, focus focus focus!! These sea salt & peanut butter cookies tasted great too. Love that maple syrup was used as a sugar substitute.. And did I mention that I love sea salt??
Sea Salt & Peanut Butter Cookies (adapted from Jamie magazine)
makes 24
300g spelt flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
3/4 tsp fine sea salt
250g organic chunky peanut butter (I used normal non-organic peanut butter)
250ml maple syrup
100ml extra virgin olive oil
1-1/2 tsp vanilla extract, or the seeds from a split vanilla pod
Sea salt flakes for finishing
- Preheat oven to 180*C. Line 2 baking sheets with baking parchment. Combine the spelt flour, bicarbonate of soda and fine salt in a mixing bowl.
- In a separate, larger bowl, stir the peanut butter, maple syrup, olive oil and vanilla until combined
- Pour the flour mixture over the peanut butter and stir until barely combined. It should still be a bit dusty looking. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then stir once more.
- Drop the batter onto the baking sheets in heaped tablespoonfuls. Gently press down on each one with the back of a fork. It's a loose batter, so if you want to do criss-crosses, you'll need to chill it for an hour or so first.
- Bake the cookies for 10-11 minutes, taking care not to over bake or they will be too dry. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with sea salt flakes while warm. Let cool on the tray for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack. (I had to bake them for 13-14 minutes.)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I know I know... I have neglected my blog.. And I'm so sorry for not posting for such a loooong time.. But work has been a little crazy the past 2 weeks.. And I'm awfully glad that the week is coming to an end! I realised that I miss holding on to the camera and decided to pick it up for a short practice session tonight.. so here I am introducing my husband, and also to prove to you that I'm not the only one who is crazy in buying pots, pans and what-have-yous at home!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Chocolate Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
Ok. This weekend I discovered that I'm bad at frosting cupcakes. Really really bad at frosting cupcakes. I think it probably has to do with my poor background in art. I've always been bad at art during my school days. And I was ever so relieved that I no longer had to do art after my secondary school days.. Looks like my 'non-talent' is back to haunt me.
The good news is that the cupcakes tasted good! I brought them along for dinner, and surprisingly my family liked them despite how they look.. And it's all thanks to a friend who sent me a very detailed chocolate cake recipe eons ago... I didn't dare to venture making it then because the recipe looked rather daunting.. But it wasn't as difficult as it looked..
The cupcakes had very little flour going into it. And their volume come mainly from whipped egg whites. Upon cooling, the cakes flatten and shrink from the side.. So, yes, I've learnt that for my next batch, I shall increase the amount of cake batter in each paper cup.. I added a cream cheese frosting that I found online.. And I'm pleased, glad, thrilled that the frosting went really well with the cake...
The recipe is for a whole cake, but I halved it, and made 12 cupcakes instead. (I will include the recipe of the whole cake below.. My wonderful friend took the time to include the timings for cupcakes...so do look at the details ya!)
Cream Cheese Frosting (adapted from here)
(I made only a third of the quantity stated below. And it was just enough to frost 12 cupcakes)
The cupcakes had very little flour going into it. And their volume come mainly from whipped egg whites. Upon cooling, the cakes flatten and shrink from the side.. So, yes, I've learnt that for my next batch, I shall increase the amount of cake batter in each paper cup.. I added a cream cheese frosting that I found online.. And I'm pleased, glad, thrilled that the frosting went really well with the cake...
The recipe is for a whole cake, but I halved it, and made 12 cupcakes instead. (I will include the recipe of the whole cake below.. My wonderful friend took the time to include the timings for cupcakes...so do look at the details ya!)
Chocolate Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
makes 12
Soft Chocolate Cake (Laduree Recipe)
150g butter
35g flour (I used cake flour)
150g chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
150g butter
35g flour (I used cake flour)
150g chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
1 tablespoon cocoa Powder
150g granulated sugar
1 egg + 4 egg yolks + 7 egg whites
9 inch round cake pan
Step 1: Preparing the pan
Butter the cake pan and refrigerate for 5 minutes Remove from fridge and dust with flour (I dusted with cocoa powder)
Turn pan upside down and tap out exces flour Keep in fridge
Step 2: Preparing the Chocolate mixture
Melt Chocolcate and butter using bain marie method. Stir with spatula until melted.
Remove from heat and set aside to let cool slightly
Sift Cocoa powder and flour, set aside
Preheat oven at 180C
Step 3: Preparing the egg mixture
Using the bain marie method again, whisk together the 1 egg, 4 egg yolks and half the sugar (75g), until the mixture thickens (when u stir the mixture apart, it will take some time to flow back together)
Remove from heat and set aside to cool slightly
Step 4: Preparing the egg whites (Using a clean, dry, absolutely grease and stain-free metal bowl) Whisk the egg whites to a foam. Once white and frothy, add the remaining sugar (75g) while continuing to whisk for another minute. I tend to whisk till it holds almost stiff peaks and still look a little glossy. (Do not over-beat until it becomes super stiff, or ur cake may turn out dry
1 egg + 4 egg yolks + 7 egg whites
9 inch round cake pan
Step 1: Preparing the pan
Butter the cake pan and refrigerate for 5 minutes Remove from fridge and dust with flour (I dusted with cocoa powder)
Turn pan upside down and tap out exces flour Keep in fridge
Step 2: Preparing the Chocolate mixture
Melt Chocolcate and butter using bain marie method. Stir with spatula until melted.
Remove from heat and set aside to let cool slightly
Sift Cocoa powder and flour, set aside
Preheat oven at 180C
Step 3: Preparing the egg mixture
Using the bain marie method again, whisk together the 1 egg, 4 egg yolks and half the sugar (75g), until the mixture thickens (when u stir the mixture apart, it will take some time to flow back together)
Remove from heat and set aside to cool slightly
Step 4: Preparing the egg whites (Using a clean, dry, absolutely grease and stain-free metal bowl) Whisk the egg whites to a foam. Once white and frothy, add the remaining sugar (75g) while continuing to whisk for another minute. I tend to whisk till it holds almost stiff peaks and still look a little glossy. (Do not over-beat until it becomes super stiff, or ur cake may turn out dry
Step 5: Combine the egg and choc mix
Delicately fold 1/3 of the egg n sugar (in step 3) into the chocolate mix (from step 1). Pour the entire mixture back into othe remaining 2/3 of the egg and sugar mix, mixing together gently
Step 6: Putting it all together
Delicately fold 1/3 of the egg white, along with the sifted flour and cocoa powder into the mixture from step 5. Pour this all back into the remaining egg white mixture.
Fold until smooth but do not overmix (U should not see anymore whites but the batter should still be very light when mixing. If the egg white is fully deflated, the mixture will not rise and become soft)
Pour batter into cake plan, place in oven, lower temperature to 170C and bake for 25 minutes (I halved the recipe and baked in 2 small pans, it was done in 15 minutes. If u do cupcake stuff, do not grease the liners and bake only 8 to 10 minutes. 1/2 the recipe would yield 10 to 11 small cupcakes)
Keep the cake at room temp and serve within 24 hours. Delicately fold 1/3 of the egg n sugar (in step 3) into the chocolate mix (from step 1). Pour the entire mixture back into othe remaining 2/3 of the egg and sugar mix, mixing together gently
Step 6: Putting it all together
Delicately fold 1/3 of the egg white, along with the sifted flour and cocoa powder into the mixture from step 5. Pour this all back into the remaining egg white mixture.
Fold until smooth but do not overmix (U should not see anymore whites but the batter should still be very light when mixing. If the egg white is fully deflated, the mixture will not rise and become soft)
Pour batter into cake plan, place in oven, lower temperature to 170C and bake for 25 minutes (I halved the recipe and baked in 2 small pans, it was done in 15 minutes. If u do cupcake stuff, do not grease the liners and bake only 8 to 10 minutes. 1/2 the recipe would yield 10 to 11 small cupcakes)
Cream Cheese Frosting (adapted from here)
(I made only a third of the quantity stated below. And it was just enough to frost 12 cupcakes)
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a medium bowl, cream together the cream cheese and butter until creamy. Mix in the vanilla, then gradually stir in the confectioners' sugar. Store in the refrigerator after use.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Alcoholic Hot Chocolate for some comfort
I've been too sick to cook this weekend. It has been a crazy week for us. My hubby just came back from abroad last weekend and was hit by a bad bout of flu. After he recovered, it was my turn to be down. Just when I thought I had a strong resistance..
It has been rather upsetting because I had spent the whole of the past 3 weeks planning for an event for my company.. and on the actual day of the event... Bam! I'm hit by the fever.. and all I can do is sleep. I've taken so much medicine in the past few days that I can literally feel the meds swimming around in my body..
Anyway, I'm glad that I'm feeling much better now other than having a leaky faucet for a nose. I wanted to have a strong, warm, comfort drink this afternoon because I haven't tasted anything for the past couple of days (yes, i think my tastebuds have died). So, hot chocolate it was... I found this recipe online (as always)... and it had to be Nigella to the rescue.. The chocolate was much richer than expected, it didn't appear so when I was making it.. but trust me, it is rich! So, those of you who are having a sore throat, stay away from this.. Other than that.. it was wonderfully warming..
Alcoholic Hot Chocolate (adapted from here)
serves 2
2 cups milk
3 1/2 ounces best-quality dark chocolate, bittersweet or semisweet, as preferred
1 cinnamon stick
2 teaspoons honey (i didn't add honey)
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons dark rum, or to taste
Put the milk into a saucepan and break the chocolate into pieces and add to the milk along with a cinnamon stick, honey, and sugar and heat gently until the chocolate is melted.
Add the vanilla and mix with a small hand whisk and still whisking, add a spoonful of the rum first and taste to see if you want more. Add more sugar if you want this sweeter, too. Take out the cinnamon stick and pour into 2 cappuccino or caffe latte cups.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I haven't baked in a while, so it was time to give my kitchen mixer a good work out. I've bought these madeleine moulds for a few months, but I haven't had the opportunity to use them.. Or should I say, procrastination got the better of me. ha...
It's my first time making madeleines, and I'm pleased that they turned out pretty alright.. considering the fact that these pans are cheap $2 ones from Daiso. But... if anyone from Daiso is reading this, could you please make the grooves for the pans deeper? I think the madeleines will look better if the lines/ridges are more defined.. :) Other than that, the pans work perfect! I can't ask for more... And thanks for selling everything at $2!
I had to bake the madeleines in 2 batches as I only have 2 pans (yep, even though they cost $2 each, I only bought 2 :P) My 2nd batch turned out prettier (see the pretty stripes??). I overbaked the 1st batch and they were brown all over.. They tasted great still, just less 'accessorized'.
Oh, by the way, check out the lovely enamel plate in the picture! Courtesy of my friend, Jaime, who lugged plates and spoons back for us all the way from Down Under! We are going international in our prop hunts! Woohoo!
Madeleines (adapted from Allrecipes.com)
makes 12
2 eggs
It's my first time making madeleines, and I'm pleased that they turned out pretty alright.. considering the fact that these pans are cheap $2 ones from Daiso. But... if anyone from Daiso is reading this, could you please make the grooves for the pans deeper? I think the madeleines will look better if the lines/ridges are more defined.. :) Other than that, the pans work perfect! I can't ask for more... And thanks for selling everything at $2!
I had to bake the madeleines in 2 batches as I only have 2 pans (yep, even though they cost $2 each, I only bought 2 :P) My 2nd batch turned out prettier (see the pretty stripes??). I overbaked the 1st batch and they were brown all over.. They tasted great still, just less 'accessorized'.
Oh, by the way, check out the lovely enamel plate in the picture! Courtesy of my friend, Jaime, who lugged plates and spoons back for us all the way from Down Under! We are going international in our prop hunts! Woohoo!
Madeleines (adapted from Allrecipes.com)
makes 12
2 eggs
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup white sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon lemon zest (I omitted the lemon cos the hubby doesn't like lemon in desserts)
55g butter
1/3 cup granulated sugar for decoration (left this out too, as the madeleines were sweet)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Butter and flour 12 (3 inch) madeleine molds; set aside.
- Melt butter and let cool to room temperature.
- In a small mixing bowl, beat eggs, vanilla and salt at high speed until light.
- Beating constantly, gradually add sugar; and continue beating at high speed until mixture is thick and pale and ribbons form in bowl when beaters are lifted, 5 to 10 minutes.
- Sift flour into egg mixture 1/3 at a time, gently folding after each addition.
- Add lemon zest and pour melted butter around edge of batter. Quickly but gently fold butter into batter. Spoon batter into molds; it will mound slightly above tops.
- Bake 14 to 17 minutes (I baked mine for 12mins), or until cakes are golden and the tops spring back when gently pressed with your fingertip.
- Use the tip of the knife to loosen madeleines from pan; invert onto rack. Immediately sprinkle warm cookies with granulated sugar. Madeleines are best eaten the day they're baked. Leftover madeleines are wonderful when dunked into coffee or tea.
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