Saturday, November 19, 2011

Latest Love - All Things Enamel

I'm starting to have a serious love affair with enamel utensils.. The past few weeks have seen us hunting for vintage kitchenware.  Unsurprisingly, it hasn't been easy finding vintage ware in Singapore.  The good news is that we have lots of enamel! And yes.. we've been raiding our little neighbourhood shops for these pretty finds.


  1. hi there, i love these tihngs too and im wondering are there any specific places i could find them in Singapore?

  2. i found your blog thru foodgawker from your latest post. love your photography - alot of white in your photos. nice! i love enamel too, any recommendations on getting enamel pieces? thanks in advance!

  3. Hi Michelle, thanks!
    I usually get my enamel plates and bowls from those HDB town centre shops that sell all the daily household items, but they just come in colours of green and yellow. The plain white plates are a rare find at one of the shops at Serangoon Central, so I bought them immediately. The white enamel jug and pail are from ikea, they can be found at the gardening section.

    If you do get to travel to Malaysia, I just discovered this shop during my recent trip to Penang!
    The shop's called "Material", it's a little like Muji, but smaller and they sell items that are a have a more rustic design... They have quite a number of enamel ware. I bought the coffee pot (in my recent butter cookies post) from there as well as 2 white enamel measuring cups... very exciting! :P

  4. yeah i always see the yellow and green ones but not the white ones! yeps i recall seeing the jug from ikea... i wish i can head to msia but it's not...likely. haha. but i'll keep your tip in mind...thanks for the reply! (:

  5. Tangs has also brought in a range of enamel ware.. Think the brand is EMS. They are fairly expensive.. but nice!

  6. Hi there, I would love to find some enamelware in Singapore to. Could you give me directions to the shop you're referring to at Serangoon Central? Thanks!

    1. Hello Nayoung, I am so sorry for the late reply. Haven't been keeping up-to-date with my blog *guilty*
      There are 2 shops that I go to. One is rather near the fruit/vegetable store. And another one is upstairs. It's quite hard for me to describe it to you. Next time that I'm there, I'll take note of the block numbers!