In my big bag of mixed feelings there is a small ball of trepidation, would I be able to adjust to work life? Would I be able to meet my employers'expectations, the organisation's goals?? Would I be able to manage the countless emails that flood our inboxes? There's also the big ball of dread towards commuting... Morning rush hour..
As I'm rushing to prep myself for work, I can't help but to think about what went by in the past 10 months. While typing this out, I'm glancing at our book-cum-prop shelves which we set up a couple of months back. Though we have other prettier furniture around the house, these 2 simplest looking bookshelves are probably my favourite pieces. My biggest regret - I didn't complete reading as many books as I should have.
My hubby and I discovered a new hobby - prop hunting. We have amassed quite a lot of props and kitchenware over the past months, more than we ever need in our little apartment. We literally went hunting all over town for them. We walked under the hot sun in Sungei Road searching for vintage cutlery, we spent huge amounts of time ooh-ing and aah-ing whenever we were in the kitchen section of department stores. When he was in Thailand, he went around Chatuchak market searching for bowls, plates and cutting boards for me.
We've also started a mini herb garden.. Ok, maybe more like a mini herb planting box. In the past, I couldn't tell the difference from one herb to another. Today, I can say that we are proud owners of mint, tarragon, basil, oregano, rosemary, dill and indian borage. Admittedly I don't possess the greenest of fingers. Mr Basil & Mr Dill have nearly drowned in my hands, hopefully they will survive. Mr Mint makes me laugh. We call him Mr Sensitive because he droops ever so quickly whenever he gets thirsty, but once you shower him with love, he pops right back up.
This is probably the last posting that I can make on a weekday afternoon for a long while. I will definitely continue with erinnish, but given the commitments, photography and blogging can probably only take place on weekends. I really take my hats off to all you bloggers out there who manage to juggle blogging and work/studies at the same time.. I hope I'll be able to do so too.
I enjoy reading Erinnish~ and of course admiring the beautiful pictures~ don't stop~~ All the best for your new job~
ReplyThanks, Feli :) We should meet up soon!
hihi erin!! just wanted to pop by to say your blog posts have helped in some way to give some perspective to my own life... especially when it seems like i'm swallowed by the office... it's great what you do here.=)
Replyall the best for the new endeavour and I will look forward to more erinnish especially the 'kitchen ventures' over the weekends! ^^ cheers!
Hi Wei Lin, Thanks for dropping the note.. It's always nice to know that someone out there is reading my blog and that I'm not sending things out to space.. haha..
Hello Erin ! I hope you won't stop as well! I really love your blog, and get a lot of inspiration from it. I have a full time job and try to post 2 blog posts a week at least, the thing is to write advance posts and schedule them ahead. I cook and shoot my stuff during the weekends, and on good weekends I manage 2 dishes worth of posts. I try to have at least 2 weeks of stuff scheduled all the time, that way I can cook about 1 dish a week and put full focus into the dish. hope that helps!
ReplyHi Jacob, thanks for the tips! You are so organised! That's truly inspiring.. Yes, I will definitely try to plan and blog ahead of time..
yeh, don't stop! :)
Replyit's beautiful, what u have started here
hey i really love popping by to your blog for your awesome photography. lots of really good natural lighting and the bestest probs ever. inspiration max. :D im also working full-time, thus i try to be in the kitchen as much as possible whenever im free on weekends, and then have a whole selection of backlogs avail to post for the coming weeks. suggestion: if u're really busy, you dont have to do weekly weekends, perhaps squeeze in a couple dishes on one weekend every two-three weeks? :)
Replybtw: your living space is just as beautiful as your blog! lots of white and simplistic. (: